The new Coronaplan for Austria at a glance

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The federal government on Friday evening unveiled an expansion of its “phased plan” to curb corona amid increased new infections.

Corona plan with “lockdown”
The measure targets the unvaccinated and imposes sharp restrictions on them, up to and including a lockdown – both of which, however, will only apply if intensive care unit capacity increases sharply. Currently, the measures remain the same, with Phase 1 of the plan, now expanded to five stages, still in effect. The following is an overview.

Stage one of Coronaplan currently valid
Stage one of the framework, first presented in early September, has been in effect since Sept. 15, when the ten percent occupancy rate in intensive care units (ICUs) with covid patients was reached (or 200 occupied beds). At last count, just over 220 Corona patients were in Austria’s ICUs (or 11 percent occupancy). However, in view of the rapidly growing number of infections, policymakers fear an increase toward stage two in the near future.

In stage one, the higher-grade FFP2 mask is to be worn wherever simple face protection was to be donned before the “stage plan” was introduced. This applies, for example, in supermarkets and other food stores, pharmacies, tobacconists and on public transport. In other retail outlets (e.g. clothing or electrical goods stores), vaccinated and recovered persons may enter without a mask, while unvaccinated persons must wear an FFP2 mask. Stricter regulations are already in place in Vienna and Salzburg, where FFP2 masks are mandatory in all retail outlets.

Stage one of Coronaplan brought extended 3G rule
The 3G rule was extended from settings already used to it (e.g., restaurants or events) to events with 25 or more people when stage one took effect (before, it was 100 or more people). Antigen tests are valid for only 24 hours for 3G detection in stage one (instead of 48 hours previously). PCR tests can be used for 72 hours, as before. However, Vienna also has stricter guidelines in this area than the rest of Austria: antigen tests are not valid (except for children under 12). PCR testing is only valid for 48 hours (72 hours for children under 12).

No change for stage two of Coronaplan
Step two remains unchanged: Seven days after an intensive care unit occupancy rate of 15 percent (300 beds) is exceeded, a 2G rule applies in overnight dining (and “similar settings”) and at events without assigned seating with more than 500 people, meaning only those vaccinated or recovering are allowed entry. In addition, in stage two, antigen tests with self-acceptance (“living room tests”) are no longer valid as proof for areas with 3G entry rule. In the federal capital Vienna, exactly these tightenings have already been put into effect apart from the “stage plan”.

Stage three of Coronaplan: This is now different
If occupancy reaches 20 percent (400 beds), stage three will follow. In areas with 3G, the antigen test would then lose its validity throughout Austria. Only vaccinated, recovered or persons with a current PCR test would then have access everywhere. What is new since Friday is that this measure comes into force immediately when the limit value is exceeded. The seven-day waiting period previously provided for is no longer applicable.

Coronaplan: Stage four has “2G” rule in the bag
The new stage four of the plan will take effect when utilization reaches 25 percent, or 500 occupied ICU beds. A “2G” rule is then envisaged in all “3G” areas: Unvaccinated persons will be banned from entering restaurants, hotels, events, cultural institutions, leisure facilities and sporting events. This will also apply in the event of a negative test – whether antigen or PCR. Exact details are still being worked out, according to the Ministry of Health, but could also affect body-related service providers such as hairdressers, for whom 3G detection is currently required.

Stage five of Coronaplan – exit restrictions” for the unvaccinated
If ICU utilization exceeds even 600 beds (or 30 percent), then stage five will occur, in which the 33 percent utilization of ICU capacity with Covid patients, considered “critical,” would be nearly reached. This stage brings “exit restrictions” for the unvaccinated – the lockdown already familiar from earlier pandemic phases. This would mean that all those who are neither vaccinated nor have an upright recovery status would only be allowed to leave their own private living quarters in exceptional circumstances. Only basic supplies (such as shopping) or the way to work would be permitted.

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